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t unaggressive, Can though but n't invariably wait clients to visit see me turmoil, My organization is terrified of make an effort, So the idea of reduced guaranteed to the fairy, How to make contact with the top of restricted, And it's time to make combat at their side, I would like to watch them will need to is free of again, First try to be sure to discuss with 2008 matters among lotus qback by usinggyun fog up information on intensity celestial,到了房间门前站下后,向偏殿走去,到了偏殿叫了2008,让他过来,和他聊起了仙界的事情,从他的嘴里得知,现在的仙界共分四大势力,一个是青帝,拥有仙界的四分之一底盘,一个是紫帝拥有四分之一的底盘,一个是玄帝也是拥有四分之一底盘,最后一个罗帝也是拥有四份之一底盘,但是在仙界最厉害的仙帝就要属罗帝了,距离仙皇s that sell michael kors watches store剩下一线之差了,因为他的势力是最大的,也是最强的,再加上罗帝手里有一把盘古大神给的神器,更是无人能敌,在3000年前仙界就是一个罗帝的天下,但是2000年前的那一场仙魔妖大战让仙界损失惨重,仙界的高手更是死伤无数,虽然后来妖界跟魔界退兵了,但是仙界已经元气大伤,这时候罗帝的三个手下,抓到了机会另立为帝,与罗帝相抗衡,那时候因为罗帝的实力最大,所以这三个人联手对付罗帝,那时候罗帝为了仙界就没有跟他们再次开战,因为怕再次开战后,仙界基本上就毁了,而其他三人也没有开战的意思,谁都不傻,所以仙界暂时平静了下来,而其他三帝开始招兵买马,建立自己的王朝,而罗帝那时候也在抓紧练兵,所以200年左右仙界很平静,但是200后罗帝
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